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Peer Mediation - Hay-on-Wye

Angry Hedgehog Picture from training 2018

Hay-on-Wye Primary


Hay-on-Wye Primary school in Powys were the first of our schools to introduce peer mediation in 2015. They have been going from strength to strength and their latest cohort of mediators of 29 children were trained on the 14th and 15th May 2023. Hay-onWye Primary now have a room devoted to Peer Mediation and are supported by Linda Jones and Rhian Howells.


Here is what the children who have been mediating for the last year said:


'children sorted out their own problems and then they came less and less..'

'the solutions worked, the children used of the best solutions was when they agreed to avoid games that caused arguments'

'having our own room has worked well as there were less interruptions from Year 1 children'

'they went back to play quicker'


Hay on Wye Primary won Young Mediator of the Year Award in 2018, Well done Hay Peer Mediators! They collected their award from the National Mediation Awards held in Westminster in November 2018.




Wye Valley Mediation is regulated by the Family Mediation Council and the Family Mediators Association.

Claire Jackson of Wye Valley Mediation is an affiliate member of Resolution, and a member of The Association of Wales and Border Counties Mediators.

© 2022 Wye Valley Mediation CIC 9772225

Fred Bulmer Centre, Wall Street, Hereford


Contact: 07947 959220 |

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